TODAY’S PARTNER WOD In 7 minutes: Establish a Thruster 3 rm (from the rack) 2 minute rest Then, AMRAP 7 minutes: A. 5 hspu 15 ttb B. 5 hang power clean (155/105) 40 double-unders *one partner starts on A and the other on B. Once the 7 minutes is up, the partners switch and continue on for another 7 minutes (14 minutes total). Score is total number of rounds/rep + thruster total.
TODAY’S PARTNER WOD In 7 minutes: Establish a Thruster 3 rm (from the rack) 2 minute rest Then, AMRAP 7 minutes: A. 5 hspu 15 ttb B. 5 hang power clean (155/105) 40 double-unders *one partner starts on A and the other on B. Once the 7 minutes is up, the partners switch and continue …