Holiday Hours: Saturday, 12/24–9am Class (12 Days of Christmas WOD) Monday, 12/26–6am, 8am, 9am, 6pm only Saturday, 12/31–9am Class TODAY’S WOD STRENGTH Alternate and rest 1 minute between A, B & C, with 2 minute rest after each set (C). Three rounds… A. Max effort strict pull-ups B. Max effort push-ups C. Static ring support (accumulate 30 seconds) METCON 12 minute AMRAP: 5 Renegade Push-Ups (40/25) 10 DB Shoulder to OH (40/25) 20 OH Walking Lunges w/single DB (40/25)
Holiday Hours: Saturday, 12/24–9am Class (12 Days of Christmas WOD) Monday, 12/26–6am, 8am, 9am, 6pm only Saturday, 12/31–9am Class TODAY’S WOD STRENGTH Alternate and rest 1 minute between A, B & C, with 2 minute rest after each set (C). Three rounds… A. Max effort strict pull-ups B. Max effort…